Hypoaspis Stratiolaelaps spp. Predator of fungus gnats etc
Target Pests
Fungus gnat larvae in potting mixes, Bradysia spp.
Pupae of Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis
Crops suitable
Greenhouse cut flower, vegetable and nursery crops using potting mixes, soil, rock wool and perlite.
How to use
Soil dwelling predatory mite.
Sprinkle material containing mites on soil around infected plants
Hypoaspis or Stratiolaelaps adult
Release rates
Preventative treatments:
15,000 per 100-150 square meters of bedding, or
15,000 per 200-300 150 mm pots
Curative treatments here fungus gnats are well established:
Double the above recommendations.

Other biocontrol agents commonly used with Hypoaspis:

Detailed descriptions and instructions for use are provided in
The Good Bug Book - Second Edition Available from good bug suppliers
Or view or download a PDF file of the Book entry for Hypoaspis.
Above: fungus gnat adult and below the maggots