Typhlodromus Typhlodromus occidentalis Predator of twospotted mite
Target Pests
Twospotted mite
Crops suitable
Deciduous fruits and vegetables in inland areas.
Predatory mite which feeds on all stages of TSM. Does well in deciduous fruits and vegetables in drier inland areas.
Typhlodromus adult feeding on twospotted mite
How to use
Used as inoculative releases when mites first appear in the crop or later in the season in order to establish this predator on the property.
Supplied on bean leaves. Place the leaves on infested plants or trees.
Details available on request.
Peach leaf damaged by twospotted mite
Other biocontrol agents commonly used with Typhlodromus:
Detailed descriptions and instructions for use are provided in
The Good Bug Book - Second Edition Available from good bug suppliers
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