Metaphycus Metaphycus sp. Parasitoid of black scale
Target Pests
Soft brown scale, black scale and citricola scale
Crops suitable
Citrus, olives, passion fruit, figs, custard apples and a wide range of ornamentals including gardenia, oleander, ferns and palms.
How to use
Small parasitoid wasps
Mass production systems for Metaphycus wasps are under development. Small quantities should be are available for inoculative releases.
Metaphycus are generally released as adults but may be despatched as parasitised pupae inside the soft scales bodies.
Releases will be inoculative, so release wasps where soft scales are known to exist and try to control or reduce ant populations in the release vicinity beforehand.
Other biocontrol agents commonly used with Metaphycus:
Detailed descriptions and instructions for use are provided in
The Good Bug Book - Second Edition Available from good bug suppliers
Or view or download a PDF file of the Book entry for Metaphycus.